13 Reasons Why CSS Is Superior to Tables in Website Design

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For the past few days, we’ve been scouring the web searching for the top 13 reasons why Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are superior to table-based layouts when designing a website. Some web designers swear that table-based layouts are better than CSS-based layouts, while others believe that table-based layouts are ancient history and XHTML combined with CSS is the only real solution to coding a web site’s visual layout. Since we’re one of those CSS die-hards, we’ve compiled a list of 13 reasons why CSS-based layouts are superior to table-based layouts.

Note: CSS cannot be used on its own to create a website – CSS is merely the tool used to style a web site’s visual information. HTML or preferably, XHTML, must be used to define the structure of a website. In addition, tables are perfect for tabular data, however, that’s about all they are good for nowadays.

The List

  1. Faster page loading

  2. Lowered hosting costs

  3. Redesigns are more efficient

  4. Redesigns are less expensive

  5. Visual consistency maintained throughout website(s)

  6. Better for SEO

  7. Accessibility

  8. Competitive edge (job security)

  9. Quick website-wide updates

  10. Easier for teams to maintain (and individuals)

  11. Increased usability

  12. More complex layouts and designs

  13. No spacer gifs